It has been one trying year.
Our business has been hit drastically by the current economic situation, and I came as close to dying as I care to this side of 99 years. The resulting business- and medical-related debt has been stressful, to say the least. Recently, I've had several people give me the old when-it-rains-it-pours speech (including the health insurance representative this morning while telling me our insurance was worthless). And I've cried enough tears in the past two months to be familiar with flood waters. But here's the thing. The Great Flood was followed by a rainbow, and I'm calling ours in. Here's to living life on the sunny side.
To show my optimism, here are 5 GOOD things that have come out of the past year:
1. I got out of jury duty because of my illness.
2. Benjamin learned to read...really read (using Pathway Readers, which I'll write about another time).
3. We renewed our repressed love of the simple things in life. Jeff and I learned to live on less...and to feel good about it. We've gardened, raised chickens, heated with wood Jeff cut himself in the forest, ate at home (mostly), and fixed clothes we might once have retired. Above all, we learned that being together is enough. (And being alive is pretty good too).
4. We found fun in the free things: the library, Little Foot Running Club, nature hikes on Central Oregon's gorgeous trails, church, playground hopping, visiting local farms, hanging out at home, free runs with the local running store (Footzone)...I could go on and on. We also put together a list of affordable things to do in Bend: shopping at the church thrift store on Newport Avenue (they have a quarter room), $5 Footzone workouts, tea at Townshend's Tea Company, and trips to the grocery store for a yogurt.
5. Benjamin and Annie are healthy, growing, learning, and generally good enough to eat. I'm truly thankful for every moment I spend with them. Even when they look like this...
When I think about it, there are thousands of positive experiences to be drawn from this past year. And while my list could obviously grow, I don't want to overwhelm you with my bright-as -the-day optimism. Just know I'm looking for our rainbow. And call me sunny.
sunny looks good on you:)
ReplyDelete(but i secretly hope your rainbow doesn't carry you too far away from oregon)